


From speech to
structured text. Fast.

From speech to
structured text. Fast.

From speech to
structured text. Fast.

๐Ÿ‘‹ No more lag. Type as fast as you think & better.

๐Ÿ‘‹ No more lag. Type as fast as you think & better.

๐Ÿ‘‹ No more lag. Type as fast as you think & better.



Why use MagicPad?

Capture Notes

Don't forget anything, capture your thoughts as you have them

Speaking is 3x faster than writing

Get transcripts within minutes. Rewrite your audio within seconds.

99% Accuracy

Up to 99% accuracy in transcription. Turn meetings, interviews, lectures into text.

Eliminate the ๐Ÿ’ฉ

Clean your transcript. Remove filler words. Restructure your ideas.


Turn your transcripts into emails, social media content, diary entry, product features and more.


Get transcripts in minutes, not hours. Our advanced AI

Multilingual Mastery

Transcribe in 50+ languages.

From audio to AI-powered rewrites

Get meeting summary

Create social media posts

Write emails

Make to-do lists

Capture interview topics

Create Diary Entry

Extract Jargon

Extract questions mentioned

Extract Resources

Get Topics Discussed

Write a blog article

โœ… Interviews to Lists

Podcast interviews, customer interviews, and moreโ€ฆ.

Transform into: to-do lists, pro/cons lists, product features lists, problems or ideas lists.

๐Ÿ†‡ Create social media posts

From your interviews, audios or videos, create engaging tweets, tweet questions, instagram and linkedin posts and more

๐Ÿ“” Talk to your Diary

Want to put your thoughts in your Diary? Now you can, faster than you ever could. Talk about your thoughts out loud and get it as a Diary Entry.

๐Ÿ”— Extract resources

Extract all resources mentioned in an interview or meeting. From books, brands, products, websites.

๐Ÿคฎ Extract Jargon

From any audio recorded get the Jargon and technical terms mentioned in your audio


What is MagicPad?

How does MagicPad function?

What are the audio length limitations?

Do you provide refunds?

How many languages do you support?

How accurate is MagicPad speech-to-text technology?

Can I upload my own files?

Start the Magic Now

Start the Magic Now

Start the Magic Now